Author: devadmin

What is child support?Under the Child Support (Assessment) Act, the primary carer of the child or children is able make a claim for child support from the other parent.The Child Support Agency is responsible for administering your child support arrangements, and assessing the amount of...

Are you operating your business in partnership, or as a co-shareholder and director with others?Disputes can arise at any time between you and your business partners which is why it is essential that at the outset or at least before any disagreements arise you have...

This is usually one of the first questions clients ask me after they have just separated from their partner in circumstances where they may feel worried about their personal safety or the security of their house and contents.The break-up of a relationship is usually a...

A will ensures that upon your death your assets are distributed to the persons you want in the manner you want. Everyone should have a legal will, no matter how wealthy or healthy or apparently unwealthy or unhealthy you are.As they say, “you can’t take...