Wills and Estates

Let this thought sink in for a moment: only about half of Australians have a legal will.There are many reasons for this alarming statistic and it would appear that most of them are based on misunderstanding the critical importance of wills.A will is the only proper way...

1. What is estate planning?Everyone should consider planning how their assets are managed during their lifetime and in the event of incapacity and death. You simply must obtain legal and financial advice at every stage of life’s journey.There are four key considerations when...

When someone dies, leaving behind assets, disagreements between those who are left behind can often arise, whether or not a will is in place.  Sometimes disagreements can intensify precisely because there is a will in place.As one of the leading estates practices in Adelaide, we...

We are often asked by our clients about what they are required to do when someone dies and they have been appointed executor of their will.An executor of a will is the legal personal representative of a person when that person dies. The executor, in...

Estate litigation has become increasingly complex.  There can sometimes be lots of room for argument, particularly when family members are at war with each other.There are a quite a few ways to challenge a will.It is important to note first that it is critical that...